用這款永恆而優雅的葬禮十字架向親人致以衷心的敬意。葬禮花十字架高30英寸,葬禮佈置是紀念的有力像徵。這個葬禮十字架適合男性和女性服務。它可以方便地展示在 54 英寸的鋼絲畫架上。
在Adele Rae Florists ,我們了解失去親人的情感負擔。我們富有同情心且經驗豐富的花藝設計師將隨時協助您打造有意義的紀念貢品。請聯絡我們告知您的具體要求,我們將努力紀念您所愛的人。立即線上訂購或致電 604-299-0585 下訂單。我們的葬禮鮮花系列包括葬禮花圈、棺材噴霧、花架、葬禮佈置和紀念花束。
歡迎光臨我們位於不列顛哥倫比亞省伯納比黑斯廷斯街 4714 號的花店,位於布倫特伍德地區,靠近鐵道鎮和東溫哥華地區。
You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
Have a question? We are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions. Call 604-299-0585 if you require further assistance.
Will my design look exactly like the picture shown?
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.