這束歡快的康乃馨花束色彩繽紛,是慶祝生活日常生活時刻的歡樂提醒。時尚的玻璃容器中裝有 39 朵令人驚嘆的康乃馨,為任何場合增添了一抹優雅和簡約。
- 生日:用充滿活力的色彩點亮他們的特殊日子。
- 週年紀念日:用愛與感情的永恆象徵重燃浪漫。
- 同情:以體貼的美麗姿態提供安慰和支持。
- 婚禮:用美麗、新鮮的鮮花營造難忘的氛圍。
- 家居和辦公室裝飾:為您的生活空間或工作空間增添一絲生活氣息和歡樂氣息。
請造訪我們位於 Metrotown 和布倫特伍德購物中心附近的本拿比花店,或在線上訂購,當天即可將鮮花送到溫哥華、本拿比、高貴林、新威斯敏斯特和穆迪港。我們竭盡全力確保您的鮮花新鮮美麗,並直接送到他們家門口。
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You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
Have a question? We are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions. Call 604-299-0585 if you require further assistance.
Will my design look exactly like the picture shown?
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.