由溫哥華當地藝術家 Nina Koba 設計的華麗手工陶瓷花瓶。這是一件獨一無二的藝術品,除了 Adele Rae Florist,您在其他任何地方都找不到同樣的藝術品。 Nina Koba 是一位多才多藝的藝術家,她是 Adele Rae Florist 的藝術總監,既是一位花卉藝術家,也是一位屢獲殊榮的畫家和陶藝家。如果您需要一件獨特的手工藝術禮物,那麼您來對地方了。光臨我們位於 4714 Hastings St 的花卉和藝術品商店 Adele Rae。這款陶瓷花瓶將成為您朋友客廳、辦公室或室內設計項目的完美藝術品。在 1200ºC 下燒製,採用 Nina 的特殊配方上釉,表面光滑優雅。大約尺寸為 10 英寸高 x 9 英寸寬 x 6 英寸深。 * 價格不包含鮮花。
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You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
You can use this description to display some useful information to your customers.
Have a question? We are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions. Call 604-299-0585 if you require further assistance.
Will my design look exactly like the picture shown?
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.