Surprise your Mom or friend with a bouquet of fresh flowers that will brighten her day. Our hand-tied bouquet features white and pink dyed babies breath, a delicate and whimsical flower that symbolizes purity, innocence and everlasting love. The bouquet is wrapped in an elegant paper that adds a touch of sophistication and style. Wether you want to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or just say thank you, this floral bouquet is the perfect choice for any occasion.
We are a local florist, we offer flower delivery in Burnaby and all across the Greater Vancouver area, serving our community since 1963. We take pride in our quality, service and creativity. You can place your order online or call us at 604--299-0585. We offer same-day delivery service for orders placed before noon.
Order now and make someone smile with our beautiful flowers !
Have a question? We are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions. Call 604-299-0585 if you require further assistance.
Will my design look exactly like the picture shown?
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.