If you are looking for a beautiful bouquet with summer vibes and a modern design you have found it. This fresh flower bouquet includes vibrant flowers like hydrangea, spray roses, carnations, garden roses, eucalyptus and more. Send this beautiful bouquet on your Mom's birthday, to a friend or for someone you love. We deliver our flowers to any area in Vancouver, Coquitlam and Burnaby BC. If you have a special request please call us at 604-299-0585.
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Have a question? We are happy to help.
Frequently asked questions. Call 604-299-0585 if you require further assistance.
Will my design look exactly like the picture shown?
* We strive to recreate the selected flower bouquet as closely as possible to the picture. However, it may be necessary to make flower or paper colour substitutions due to factors such as seasonality, availability, weather conditions, or market shortages. If floral substitutions are necessary, we will ensure that the overall style, theme, and colour palette of the floral arrangement is maintained and that any substituted flowers are of equal or higher value. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.